Monday, December 15, 2008


I can't believe I'm blogging twice within a week either! Photobucket

When Kim nags you almost everyday to blog about this and that, you really can't help but to conform in weakness to her, hands over heads, knees down to ground and everything. I guess you can call her...annoying. LOLOL.

In other news, I love it when shopping centres are bursting with excitement and hype, it makes shopping a much more interesting experience. Photobucket You can really feel the Christmas spirit now. However, I'm more excited about the after Christmas sales in which I shall splurge all my hard earned (in terms of saving) money. No, I didn't get myself a job for this Summer Holidays and I like to comfort myself that it's too late now and that I have self control and won't spend the whole of my holidays in front of this screen.

Speaking of Christmas, that reminds me I better hurry and start buying presents but then again...Westfield is opened to 12am on the Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Perfect excuse for me to buy things for myself and leaving the presents to the last minute. What a selfish brat.

Anyways, I realise that whenever I'm not blogging I can think of a million things to blog about, but once I start typing, nothing comes to my mind. I think I should start jotting points down to give me hints in what I wanted to write in my entries. Alas, it sounds like some boring homework chore now but rest assured, I love blogging. Photobucket It can almost bring me the same amount of happiness in retail therapy and eating a 2Litre box of ice cream. Almost I say...almost.

Last Thursday was Lucy's sort of Christmas party (a century before the actual festival I know) and let's just say the 6 hours that was spent there involved plenty of photos (almost 150), scandals (butt flashing, anyone?) and an abundance of singing, drumming, swimming, water fighting, laughing, hurting and of course eating. Feast your eyes upon the photos and the videos and for all those who are capped: Patience is a Virtue.Photobucket

By the way, in case you are wondering how can someone's fashion taste be so horribly disgusting, keep in mind that the theme was 'teachers' and half of us were dressed as our teachers. Bizarre theme, I know.

Hello Asians!

Hello Aussies!


We really get into the Christmas spirit:


LOL. Their faces. HAHA.


Her sexy back

Their team

I love continuation shots:



Pwoar! Head butt.

A meeting?

Our team

While half of the group were in the pool, plotting and backstabbing against the ones that prefer to swim in a warmer summer day (ie. me), we had a plan of our own up our sleeves...

Consisting of Kim flashing her 'curry' ass to everyone in the pool! That girl is psycho I swear, she was not pleased that they kept wetting us, so on the veranda she called out to everyone in the pool and flashed them her ass! Luckily I was on her team so I didn't get to see the ghastly sight in which has probably scarred everyone that saw it. Phew. Photobucket

We also planned to use this gigantic brown covering thing filled with dust to save ourselves from the water...first we had to get past the growling dogs:



Thanks to me, I distracted the dogs by saying 'I love you'


We also assigned Kim to retrieve Sam's Billabong headband or something:

We got sick of the water so we decided to head to the park right opposite to the house:





Our chin ups!

Alas, it was finally time for dinner. To be honest, I was starving like the children in Africa and managed to eat 3 plates of food. Photobucket However, that can't compete with my user intake during buffets. LOL.

The starving children of Africa.

She's so damn smexy & ROFL at the picture behind her, a great contrast.

Hooray for food kitchen!



After a heartfelt dinner filled with endless conversations, we headed down/up? to the park once again as a whole group this time.


1 vs 3

It spells LUV by the way.

We also played the 'I love dancing yes I do, I love dancing how about you' game:

Decided to head back to Lucy's place where half of us Karaoke-d? and the others were downstairs playing the drums and guitars. Our group is pretty musically talented. HAHA. Apart from singing our hearts and tonsils out to Maximum Overdrive by 2 Unlimited and almost killing Lucy's sister (literally) we had a blast Photobucket You can see that by us singing to Material Girls:

Ahh, all in all, it was a really fun day. Photobucket Wow, this has been my longest entry evarrr! Toodles says Selina. Photobucket

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Taste of his Hairy Chopstick 12:21 PM

No, I'm not high on crack or anything. The title is a reference to my Birthday lunch (I know I said there wouldn't be one but last minute planning and organising ftw) in which Mary and I, arm in arm, strolled along the City streets singing. Needless to say, there were a few bizarre and uncanny looks threw in our direction. What song were we singing? Only the famous "I kissed a girl" by Katy Perry.

I kissed a girl and I liked it,
the taste of her cherry chapstick.

I kissed a boy and I liked it,
the taste of his hairy chopstick.

We can definitely give all the lyric writers out there a run for their money. Photobucket

After lunch which was well spent celebrating my birthday through speeches, several toasts and cheers and what not, we managed to catch High School Musical 3. Let me clarify that none of us are hardcore HSM fans, we were merely watching it for the comedy and the hype. I must say, it was a pretty decent movie but really, it could have been better without the literally, random comical songs which occurred approximately every 8 minutes. No kidding. Photobucket Truthfully, I am quite glad HSM is coming to a 'end'...unless they plan to revive it five years later with a new name and same cast called "College Wildcats Musical". Let's hope that Zac Efron has aged dramatically and there will be no other teenagers going "OMFG ZAC EFRON I LOVE HIM, HE'S HOTTER THAN THE SUN, I WANT A BADGE OF HIM, A BAG WITH HIS FACE, I WANT HIS HAIRCUT, I WANT TO BE VANESSA HUDGENS" Of course, that's if they are still going out unless another scandal occurs and she ends up making a porno or something. Ahh, the life of star.

Below are some pictures from Friday in which my mini Birthday celebration occured (most of them are solo shoots of food btw) I charged my camera battery the night before but being me, I forgot my memory card so I had to use Teresa's camera the whole time. Photobucket





Photobucket Photobucket

After movies and lunch, we went to Capitols to revive our inner teenybopper and took "caps" The whole day, Mary and Jessie were being (unsuccessfully) secretive about my present with weird and quirky remarks like:

"I need to buy some um hair Selina, which ones do you use"
"Oh it's for my split ends, can't you see them"
"I ordered this...urgh neck cream from Sri Lanka, we need to go collect it"

In the end, they ended up giving me a measly $40 by telling me to put my hand into the machines in which you put in money and you twist and a toy comes out (what do you call them?) because the toy was 'stuck'. They were behind a bunch of this machines so when Michelle told me to go over there I thought it would have been a stuffed animal of some Asian sort but when I saw them just sitting them and wanting to use my hand to get a toy out, i was, let's put it in a good way...surprised. Turned out there was money in the toy. Photobucket Thanks babies! That includes everyone that came and gave me $$$. Skip the corny words but thank you!

These photos were us at Passionflower...YUM.






I was surprised at how the bill came exactly to $90.00


I'm starving again and I need to clean out my closet...badly, it's literally a mountain of clothing. Toodles!


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Greetings Humans
Hello there, congratulations upon stumbling across painting-stars This is the place where I, selinaa, express my vanity, lay my fingertips upon the keyboard and blab on about nothing that really concerns you ! But it's interesting to see me make a fool out of


I like gaypak mandarins. It’s tasty.
I think my right hand is bigger than my left hand.
I like pink and green and yellow and white and black.
I quite like berets and anything that can cover your hands, neck and head. Yes I don’t mind shower caps either ;)
Nothing beats a nice warm longggg shower.
I have plans for my life. Unrealistic plans though.
I think I should stop before this gets more out of hand.
Oops, my name is selinaa btw :D
Blab here

The Asian Invasion
Incoherent Thoughts