Friday, June 27, 2008
Because McCormack rules... 9:24 PM

As the title says...that's why we came fifth this year, compared to first last year. For the non - msj readers (if there's any) our Athletics Carnival finally came into action after a three week postpone-ment? much to everyone's disgust. Or maybe just mine, because I'm the girl that prefers double maths over Athletics Carnival. Nevertheless, the day resulted in pretty good...results? Photobucket There was many things that I discovered. Like the fact that Kim cannot high jump for the sake of her life or Kim has some pretty 'artistic' photo taking skills or Teresa just needs to censor herself from teachers! Photobucket

Because I took 80 + photos that day, I'm sorry if you computer turns all laggy. If you continue to read on..there will be a surprise for you! Photobucket

Actually I feel the need to type more, I'm super pumped about the holidays! No, I'm not going overseas again (to my disappointment) but I'm just glad a can have a couple of weeks free from assessments and exams Photobucket This means sleep ins and get fats. Yes I realise that doesn't make sense and doesn't credit the English Language at all.

On a more gossipy note (obtained from Kim, the gossip girl) I hear Susan D got suspended? Now wait for the catch, because I have mentioned my missing pencil case case in the last couple of posts and made a big deal on who would steal a pencil case, guess what Susan 'stole'?

She stole lunch!

And I thought stealing pencil cases was sad. I guess i need to reflect on that thought.

Yes, back to the photos now!


Nice try Photobucket


Oh what a feeling! Photobucket





Because I am a one woman paparazzi.


Slit eyes! More like squinting eyes. Photobucket


Kim's 'holy' sock Photobucket


Because I am a gangstah with Disney ears on.


I love Teresa's hair here! Hehe.




Kim's shot on Theresa --> woops, I guess Kim was zooming in on the wrong body. Cause you know, Sam and Theresa look the same. Photobucket


My shot, no comment.


Ngaww Photobucket






Kim's photography skills Photobucket


A scene from Gossip Girl?



Yes we got this bored...(it says player btw)



Think that's enough of the Carnival. I sincerely apologise for the low quality photos, next time these photos will be less pixelated Photobucket I need to adjust my camera still Photobucket

Anyways, after the Carnival and a quick shower, my cousin and I headed to do some shopping in Parramatta. Ironically enough, everything that caught my eye was not on sale. So much for Financial end of year sale. I eyed this dress in Forever New but too bad it didn't suit Winter, maybe I'll get it later (after I get over the price - $60 for a short sleeve and barely there material) After purchasing non-sale items Photobucket (and Diary of a wimpy kid 2 for $5!) we headed to Carne Station (yes that's the Restaurant name, i would have expected something along the lines of "Lee Hwang Bok Yummy BBQ") Korean BBQ Buffet. But because the my camera was exhausted from the carnival and I was starving since it was 8.30 my camera died but even if it didn't I would be too busy gobbering food anyway. I did however manage to take a couple of snaps.




That was just the start of dinner.

Anyways, because I mentioned I will leave you guys a surprise, here you go:

Kim and the attack of the fierce high jump.

Enjoy! Photobucket

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

First of all, Happy Birthday to Sam & Michelle for Friday! I love you all and wish both of you the best in everything you do, since you know, one's halfway to 30 and the other one is legal Photobucket
I just had an argument with my daddy again. He really makes me angry with his lazyness (in which i inherit from) and he's promises that he is unable to complete. And now he's out at Cabra yum cha-ing (and bitching to my auntie about my attitude) while I'm stuck at home trying to do Geography and Religion Assignment. Siff, as if I would go out to yum cha with him anyway. Photobucket

On another note, new layout! I wasn't planning to change the layout yet but I came across a really nice, simple and elegant layout and so I changed it. Nice yeah? And now, I added (asian) music to my layout as well Photobucket I spent the whole night fixing the layout and such instead of doing assignments but hey, that means I have more time during the holidays to do my Science assignment instead of coding/changing layouts when I've done it already...right? Photobucket

I paid a visit to the sales last week (note the irony, paid, ha ha ha, me so funny Photobucket) but since I'm not satisfied, I shall go again this Thursday/weekend. Photobucket

I attended church this morning. First time since primary school! At the end of church there was free morning tea available, so Mishy, Jlam and I ran up to the stalls while Kim was just standing there watching us because, she's not that asian. Photobucket

The Case of the Missing Pink Pencil Case part 2.
If you've read the last entry (or even attend MSJ) you would know all about it. Well, I left the entry saying the girl got suspended but now apparently she wasn't the one that stole and took the blame Photobucket But she's back at school now (and gave me smile on Friday, I'm sorry I can't differentiate between a smirk and a smile) and her friends have been saying they are going to bash me with their boyfriends the whole week. What a load of bull. Those tb's have no life. But I still hope with the new week coming, everyone in the school forgets about it because having questions about all this ringing in my ear only about 10 times a day pushes me to the verge of suicide. HAHA not, more like punching them in the face.

Mmm, I haven't posted photos in awhile so here goes:
History Incursion/Mishy's & Sam's 14th & 15th Birthday as well as some random captures.




Lo and behold...the Vietnam veterans bus (with a built in tv that has some pretty disturbing images!)



No, this was not taken at night...all the windows were painted black. I wonder why, maybe to recap our memories of Parvana which we've read only about 20 times.



Kim's hand(s) ruins every photo.




Or maybe it was Mishy's hands...Photobucket


The chocopie cakes topped with lollipop, Pocky and Pepero. Fattening? YES! Chocolatey? Of course! Sensational? yes yes YES Photobucket


The birthday kids women!




"Cheers, mate!"


My sunscreen that has finally arrived. Neutrogena Ultra Sheer sunblock spf 30. The sunscreen smell barely exists and it's non oily and greasy. Perfect for oily skin, this is my favourite beauty product for now Photobucket



Super cool house yeah?



Every wondered where Theresa's crisisCORE band name came from? As expected...Photobucket

Anyways, I'm starving now, haven't eaten anything this morning (except the 'morning tea' at church which was half a cup of milk and a biscuit) so I'm off to make myself a sandwich and hopefully, get a move on on my assignments.


Greetings Humans
Hello there, congratulations upon stumbling across painting-stars This is the place where I, selinaa, express my vanity, lay my fingertips upon the keyboard and blab on about nothing that really concerns you ! But it's interesting to see me make a fool out of


I like gaypak mandarins. It’s tasty.
I think my right hand is bigger than my left hand.
I like pink and green and yellow and white and black.
I quite like berets and anything that can cover your hands, neck and head. Yes I don’t mind shower caps either ;)
Nothing beats a nice warm longggg shower.
I have plans for my life. Unrealistic plans though.
I think I should stop before this gets more out of hand.
Oops, my name is selinaa btw :D
Blab here

The Asian Invasion
Incoherent Thoughts